We ended up participating in an innovative online program that did NOT try to replicate in-person school. A few key differences: - Each child could work at their own pace, largely through playing educational games and apps that adapted to where they were. There was no particular endpoint that the kids needed to get to at the end of the semester. (...) Took advantage of existing materials: the program did not reinvent the wheel, but instead made use of excellent, existing online videos and educational apps.

‒ Rachel Thomas, https://www.fast.ai/posts/2022-09-06-homeschooling.html

At the end of these 8 months, our daughter, along with several other kids in her small group, were several years beyond their age levels in both math and reading. It had never been our goal for her to end up accelerated; Jeremy and I were mostly trying to keep her happy and busy for a few hours so we could get some of our own work done. She also had fun and made close friends, who she continues to have video calls and Minecraft virtual playdates with regularly.

‒ Rachel Thomas, https://www.fast.ai/posts/2022-09-06-homeschooling.html