Software Engineering The "Unit" in "Unit Tests": What Google says Dorota Biernacka from Akamai made an interesting note: If top Google results say the "unit" is a class or a function, what answer would a job interviewer expect?
Software Engineering Testing: Level master Deciding which language to use in the next project? Cosider this first.
Software Engineering SSH: Keep a long process running after disconnect I SSH'd into one of my servers, and started a large sync operation.
Software Engineering Mac terminal: Copy a file to the clipboard Send an image via Slack or WebEx, after copying it from the terminal.
Software Engineering Learning to program in Python from Haskell programmers: Optionals Some Haskell programmers prefer returning lists from functions rather than optional types or "None".
Software Engineering Why your foundational knowledge matters (and TDD too) It's often easier to write what you need from scratch, and TDD helps at that, a lot.
Software Engineering TDD: Motivation Robert C. Martin: "Why don’t developers clean up code? They’re afraid that they’ll break it."
Software Engineering When to use: Classes vs Data Structures Classes and Data Structures make it easy to add new functionality. In each of them, a certain way of adding functionality is much easier than in the other. Read this to know, which way will be easier in the code you are working with.
Software Engineering Functional Object-Oriented Programming Robert C. Martin: A good program can, and should, be both functional AND object-oriented.
Software Engineering TDD example: Test an existing Flask app Make sure your API doesn't break after the changes you're about to make.
Software Engineering TDD Examples: C with DocTest Quickly get up to speed with Test-Driven Development in C using DocTest - the fastest and most convenient testing library for C++ toolchains.
Software Engineering Single quotes or double quotes Do you ever wonder if you should use single quotes or double quotes for strings?
Software Engineering Terraform Associate Certification: Outline Elements of the Terraform Associate Certification.
TIL Terraform: Resolve "Error: Provider configuration not present" To destroy infrastructure in a declarative way, remove the resources from the configuration and make sure you don't also delete the provider block (or file).
Entrepreneurship Your organization should have a "NO man" "He was probably the most valuable member of the team because he was respected enough that his objections kept the project focused and on scope, and it was a 20% project for him."
Software Engineering Git: Revert to the last working state at any given point Have you already had this experience? Two years after graduation, I remember it all too well. The project is due tomorrow. It grew to an astounding amount of code. You're just about to fix a glitch that you noticed. In the course, you make