Nature Development in production "[The project] started with a roughly forty-week development phase, then a very intense production deployment, and continues now with an ongoing development-in-production phase."
Nature Taking risks "Financial risk taking is as much a biological activity, with as many medical consequences, as facing down a grizzly bear."
Nature Standard Model Symmetry Group "You’ll commonly hear that the symmetry group of the Standard Model is U(1) × SU(2) × SU(3)"
Nature Earth: Unnaturally large active iron core "Our Rare Earth has an unnaturally large active iron core, resulting in an unnaturally efficient magnetic field which is able to protect our waters from being blown away by Sun."
Category theory Nature and Category Theory "Computer scientists started using categories where the objects represent data types and the morphisms represent programs. They also started using ‘flow charts’ to describe programs. Abstractly, these are very much like Feynman diagrams!"
Nature 355/113 "The fraction 355/113 is incredibly close to pi, within a third of a millionth of the exact value."
Nature Ultrafast ultrasound "Just like leaves, the tiniest blood vessels in the brain often register changes in neuron and synapse activity first, including illness, such as new growth in a cancerous brain tumor."
Nature Podstawowe twierdzenie arytmetyki "Czy każdą liczbę można zapisać jako iloczyn liczb pierwszych? Odpowiedź brzmi: tak. Co więcej, dla każdej liczby istnieje tylko jeden taki rozkład."
Nature Czynnik "W wyrażeniu 12 = 3 * 4 liczba 3 jest czynnikiem, ponieważ wraz z inną liczbą "tworzą" lub "czynią" 12 przez działanie mnożenia."
Nature Ego Ego jest ciągle pomiędzy instynktami, sumieniem, etyką, socjalizacją, normami społecznymi, i nie tylko.
Nature The wish to accomplish something extra The wish to accomplish something outside their formal programme is common to all men who in the course of evolution have risen past a certain level. -- Arnold Bennett, "How to live on 24 hours a day"
Nature When engineering has contributed fundamentally to physical theory "In fact, the science of thermodynamics began with an analysis, by the great engineer Sadi Carnot, of the problem of how to build the best and most efficient engine."
Nature Foundations of Game Theory The basic elements of performing a noncooperative game-theoretic analysis are (1) framing the situation in terms of the actions available to players and their payoffs as afunction of actions, and (2) using various equilibrium notions to make either descriptive or prescriptive predictions. -- "
Nature Robert C. Martin: The current best explanation for the origin of the moon is a collision of two protoplanets 4.5 billion years ago. As Martin notes, the protoplanets have likely melted due to energy released in that collision. The massive core of the protoplanet that crashed into the early Earth penetrated the crust and fused with the core of the Earth. A curious corollary may follow from
Nature Emily Noether: Every conservation law corresponds to some kind of symmetry. To illustrate the whole problem still more clearly, imagine that we were talking to a Martian, or someone very far away, by telephone. We are not allowed to send him any actual samples to inspect; for instance, if we could send light, we could
Nature Nature: "Parallel worlds probably exist" About the "Many Worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Nature Hawking Radiation When a black hole swallows a portion of matter, that matter ceases to have any energy. Its energy falls to absolute zero. This means that for that portion of matter,
Nature 5 wciąż nie rozwiązanych problemów fizyki Pod koniec XIX wieku fizycy mieli poczucie, że odkryli już wszystko. Zaskoczyło ich odkrycie Heisenberga, a to był dopiero początek. Również dziś liczne problemy fizyki pozostają bez zadowalającej odpowiedzi. Tu znajdziesz kilka ich przykładów.
Nature Genomes and results From all we know, the genome influences a large portion of the organism's features. We also know that the human genome can be encoded using around 750 MB of data.