1. Install Termux,
  2. Generate your keypair,
  3. (Test connection on localhost etc.)
  4. Copy your private key to your SD card in the phone,
  5. Copy the key from your phone to your computer,
  6. (...)
  7. Connect with your Android device:

You can find more information on the Tilix web page [1].

ssh <phone_ip> -p 8022

Notice: Your Termux app does not have to be running in the task manager in order for you to be able to access it through SSH.

If you receive a message: "Connection refused", verify whether you selected the proper port, adding the -p 8022 parameter to the command. If you encounter a Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). error

To connect:

  1. Run Termux on your Android phone,
  2. Find your phone IP using ifconfig,
  3. Type in Termux: sshd,
  4. SSH to your phone IP issuing ssh u0_a152@<phone_ip> -p 8022.

See here.

  1. Using SSH ↩︎