One of the things I tell aggreable people, especially if they're conscientious, is:
Say what you think. Tell the truth about what you think.
There's going to be things you think that you think are nasty and harsh,
and they probably are nasty and harsh, but they're also probably true.And you need to bring those up to the forefront and deliver the message. And it's not straightforward at all, because agreeable people do not like conflict. Not at all.
‒ Jordan Peterson,
I decided a long time ago, partly from reading Solzhenitsyn, that I was going to try to be very careful with my words, and I was only going to say things that I thought about, that, to begin with, weren't lies.
Was going to try to formulate my thoughts truthfully.
And the reason I decided that was because I thought that the opposite was hellishly dangerous. And I really believe that! I truly believe that.
‒ Jordan Peterson,
Without truth, you don't have the adventure of your life!
If you tell the truth, that means you're revealing your being. That's what you're doing when you're telling the truth! And when you reveal your being, then you're living in the world! You're there, you're present.
‒ Jordan Peterson,
He lived without electricity or phone, shot rabbits “for the pot,” raised geese to be slaughtered and plucked, and fished the surrounding waters in a dinghy.
– Stephen Metcalf, "Orwell's Escape", in: The Atlantic, May 2024;