During my internship I would hear the word "resource" being thrown around. Being naive and not privy to workplace management conversations I would just assume it meant things like server resources, CPU, RAM, etc. Spoilers, most of the time it was about people. I often thought of resources as consumable and sure, a person's time and capacity can be used up but it was jarring to have a word I would use for inanimate objects be used on people.

‒ Niko Uusitalo, https://www.nikouusitalo.com/blog/dont-call-your-staff-resource/

We can keep it humanizing and respectful by using words that show they are still a person, such as:

  • People/person
  • Staff
  • Their role, such as "developers" or "business analysts"

‒ Niko Uusitalo, https://www.nikouusitalo.com/blog/dont-call-your-staff-resource/

Example (comment on a ticket):

Lack of staff [to schedule this change].

vs. "Lack of resources".