Doing mental calculations

To remember numbers you can use the following pattern:

My turtle Pancho will, my
love, pick up my new mover, Ginger

The above sentence ranslates into 24 places of π [1].

The key is:

  • 1 is the t or d sound.
  • 2 is the n sound.
  • 3 is the m sound.
  • 4 is the r sound.
  • 5 is the l sound.
  • 6 is the j, ch, or sh sound.
  • 7 is the k or hard g sound.
  • 8 is the f or v sound.
  • 9 is the p or b sound.
  • 0 is the z or s sound.

  1. See "Secrets of Mental Math" by Arthur Benjamin ↩︎