Every team should be paying attention to the delays in their feedback loops. Keeping time to production under 5 minutes. Running all programmer tests in a matter of seconds.

– Benji Weber [1], mentioned by Robert C. Martin [2]

If you’re struggling with how to get to tidy code, fast feedback loops, joyful work. How to get permission, or buy-in. Try team habits.

Create working agreements of the form “When we see <observable trigger>, instead of <what we currently do> we will <virtuous action>”. This is a mechanism to pre-approve the desired action.

– Benji Weber [1:1], mentioned by Robert C. Martin [2:1]

I think TDD can be a hack for escaping bureaucracies.

Rather than incurring the bureaucratic friction of asking for permission to do the right things each time, we pre-commit/agree to "healthy habits".

– Benji Weber, https://twitter.com/benjiweber/status/1579118903619649537

  1. https://benjiweber.co.uk/blog/2021/03/28/escape-the-permission-trap-with-healthy-habits/ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. https://twitter.com/benjiweber/status/1579118903619649537?cxt=HHwWgoDUxdeRlOorAAAA ↩︎ ↩︎