Dan MacNeil

The last 8 of 15 years, my focus was using novice programmers to build useful software for low income people in a organization I started called the Community Software Lab. Three lab alumni work at Google, Amazon and Microsoft. More significantly, three different people explicitly credit the Community Software Lab for significantly better opportunities and lives than they would have had otherwise.

Writing software that people use, following a modern process is a better way to learn to program than listening to lectures or copying your roommate's homework. Requiring 100% test coverage for new code, creating detailed engineering documentation, tools , standards and processes and (most important) re-re-doing line by line code review, allowed people starting with only the ability to write a FOREACH loop to contribute production code and gain real skill. By unanimous testimonial, working with me was hugely more educational than undergraduate computer science education.

This is all anecdotal, but I challenge any CS dept to provide better outcomes with their standard program than I could locked in a room with five CS 101 grads and their tuition for 4 years.

– Dan MacNeil, http://howto.omacneil.org

The lecture system was created in medieval times because it is quicker to read a book aloud to 50 people than it is to hand-write 50 copies.

– Dan MacNeil, http://howto.omacneil.org

Kasia Kalista – book author (Polish language, non-technical)

Krakowianka z urodzenia. Ukończyła dziennikarstwo i komunikację społeczną na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. Od lat pracuje w branży IT. Pomysł na jej debiut „Ostatni rozdział” pojawił się w drodze do Santiago de Compostela.
Wyemancypowana żona, mama dwóch synów i samozwańcza pani dwóch kotów.
