Wisdom Money is not wealth "Wealth is the organized technological capability to protect, nurture, educate, and accommodate the forward days of humans."
Wisdom Defending your life "When someone contradicts you, they're in a sense attacking you. (...) Counterintuitive as it feels, it's better most of the time not to defend yourself. Otherwise these people are literally taking your life."
Wisdom Bullshit "It's almost the definition of bullshit that it's the stuff that life is too short for."
Software Engineering Terraform: Parallel builds with Packer With Packer, you can build a software appliance for every supported platform all in parallel, and configured from a single template.
Nature Ego Ego jest ciągle pomiędzy instynktami, sumieniem, etyką, socjalizacją, normami społecznymi, i nie tylko.
Wisdom Perfect, unspoilt, waiting for you: your next hour "The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoilt, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your career."
Nature The wish to accomplish something extra The wish to accomplish something outside their formal programme is common to all men who in the course of evolution have risen past a certain level. -- Arnold Bennett, "How to live on 24 hours a day"
Wisdom Old, unfulfilled aspiration Unfulfilled aspiration may always trouble the man who perished on the way to Meccca. But he will not be tormented in the same way as the man who, desiring to reach Mecca, and harried by the desire to reach Mecca, never leaves Brixton.
Wisdom Wisdom: Big questions "Big questions — Who am I? Where am I going? What is truth? — give way to little ones."
Wisdom Wisdom: Sincerity Sincerity represents a strict correspondence between an individual’s professions and their actual feelings and beliefs. Sincere communication is thoroughly honest — free of hypocrisy, pretense, deceit, and contradictions. Insincerity can be evinced when we act as if our feelings for something are stronger than
Wisdom Wisdom: Getting past behind While we don’t know what Emerson experienced as he looked into the vault where his wife lay, we can surmise the effect this act had on his life. Within months, he’d resigned his prestigious position as minister of Boston’s Second Church
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Wisdom: Time "Though you have the wealth of a cloak-room attendant at the Carlton Hotel, you cannot buy yourself a minute more time than I have, or the cat by the fire has."
LaTeX LaTeX: Performance tune-up needed On Overleaf, typesetting LaTeX documents is pretty fast, but the time required grows quite quickly when your document reaches about 70 pages. For my master thesis, I needed to start a premium subscription trial to be able to typeset my thesis in full for
Learning Organizing knowledge Feynman once prepared for his oral examinations by opening a fresh notebook titled "NOTEBOOK OF THINGS I DON’T KNOW ABOUT."
Publishing Publishing: Illustrating ideas John Bell promoted good literature using attractive graphics.
Wisdom Wisdom: Kofeina Istnieją dowody naukowe, że małe dawki kofeiny mogą wywoływać bardziej korzystne efekty niż jej duże ilości. Kofeina bowiem blokuje receptory, ale nie hamuje produkcji adenozyny. Im wyższa dawka kofeiny tym dłuższy czas blokowania adenozyny, która po ustąpieniu działania kofeiny łączy się ze swoimi receptorami
History Lessons from history: False statement in a book At sixteen years, Alexander the Great was the world's leading general. -- Buckminster Fuller, "Grunch of Giants" This is not true. If it is, then this is not: Alexander was just 16 when Philip went off to battle and left his son