Software Engineering Senior developer's perspective "It's considered good form to demand that regular expressions be considered verboten, totally off limits for processing HTML, but I think that's just as wrongheaded as demanding every trivial HTML processing task be handled by a full-blown parsing engine."
invention Invention: Brothers creating Memento (2000) "Jonathan got the idea for the story from his general psychology class at Georgetown University." That story would later become the basis for the film Memento (2000).
invention Inventing "What one fool can do, so can another, and the fact that some other fool beat you to it shouldn't disturb you: you should get a kick out of having discovered something."
History Historia: Legenda templariuszy "Król francuski Filip IV Piękny, który doprowadził do upadku tego potężnego zakonu, przygotowując mistyfikację mającą na celu oskarżenie go herezję – najbardziej skuteczne ówcześnie – z całą pewnością nie przypuszczał, że okaże się ona tak doskonała."
Nature Ultrafast ultrasound "Just like leaves, the tiniest blood vessels in the brain often register changes in neuron and synapse activity first, including illness, such as new growth in a cancerous brain tumor."
Software Engineering Teach programming! "There’s a lot of value in having people on the team who’ve yet to develop the same biases. People who’ll force you to think through and articulate why you do the things you’ve come to take for granted. The reflection may help you spot a better way."
Software Engineering Coding team: Important latency numbers "We design systems around the size of delays that are expected."
TDD Creating healthy habits (TDD) "Pat Kua likened developers asking product managers whether to do activities such as refactoring and testing, to a chef offering washing and cleaning to customers. i.e. it shouldn’t be a discussion."
Wisdom Showing up "So much of it comes down to simply being there — showing up not only for a significant event, but in a middle-of-the-night emergency, and even on someone’s phone via a > text."
History Mathematics was considered "not for women" "Despite being a woman, she [Emmy Noether] managed to attend mathematics courses at the University of Erlangen for the next two years. This was possible thanks to the insistence of her father, who had great influence in university circles."
Nature Podstawowe twierdzenie arytmetyki "Czy każdą liczbę można zapisać jako iloczyn liczb pierwszych? Odpowiedź brzmi: tak. Co więcej, dla każdej liczby istnieje tylko jeden taki rozkład."
Nature Czynnik "W wyrażeniu 12 = 3 * 4 liczba 3 jest czynnikiem, ponieważ wraz z inną liczbą "tworzą" lub "czynią" 12 przez działanie mnożenia."
Medicine Medicine: Colonoscopy "the study does not invalidate colonoscopies as a useful screening tool. Colonoscopies are still a good test, Gupta said, but it may be time to reevaluate their standing as the gold standard of colon cancer screens."
Wisdom Wisdom: When I get ill "I've noticed in the past couple of years that my anxiety levels decrease significantly when I get ill. I put it down to a combination of internalising that the office is not that important, and being too tired to ruminate on negative thoughts."
Digital nomad Wędrowny usługodawca "Od strony technicznej jeśli chodzi o pracę zdalną, zdałem sobie sprawę, że potrzebuję zupełnie minimalistycznie. Tutaj moim urządzeniem, z którym pracuję, jest iPad Pro, i do niego mobilny router TP-Link TL-MR3020." – Bernard Fruga
Software Engineering Deploy to Linode from GitHub This action will take an artifact, scp it to a linode, untar it, and execute the deploy command. If the linode does not exist, it will be created and provisioned with the stackscript found in this repo. If the app has any subdomains, an
Entrepreneurship One in-person meeting, then remote One in-person meeting at the start, then continuing remotely.
Software Engineering Keeping software up-to-date The collective desire to avoid downtime makes everyone less likely to perform software upgrades."
Software Engineering nbdev With nbdev, developers simply write notebooks with lightweight markup and get high-quality documentation, tests, continuous integration, and packaging for free!
Teaching Teaching: Instead of school "We ended up participating in an innovative online program that did NOT try to replicate in-person school" ‒ Rachel Thomas