Wisdom Happiness vs Joy We shoot for happiness. Happiness is good, it's the expansion of self. You win a victory, you get a promotion, your team wins the Superbowl: you're happy. Joy is not the expansion of self, it's the dissolving of self. (...) Joy is a better thing
Wisdom Suffering "What suffering does, is: it carves through what you thought was the floor of the basement of your soul, and it carves through that, revealing a cavity below."
Wisdom Juras: Nie wszystko na jedną kartę "To jest bardzo dobre, że akurat mogę realizować się i w muzyce, i w sporcie."
Information Science Cryptography: This is the paper that keeps showing up "Everywhere I go, I see this paper"
Nature Standard Model Symmetry Group "You’ll commonly hear that the symmetry group of the Standard Model is U(1) × SU(2) × SU(3)"
Nature Earth: Unnaturally large active iron core "Our Rare Earth has an unnaturally large active iron core, resulting in an unnaturally efficient magnetic field which is able to protect our waters from being blown away by Sun."
Wisdom Wspólnota z Qumran "Skutkiem było wycofanie się grupy esseńczyków i zorganizowanie wspólnoty Qumran."
Wisdom Wisdom: Positive Mindset Index "The survey found that the very biggest determinant in a man’s PMI wasn’t a factor you might expect like relationships or health. It was work."
Wisdom Kupić drożej, ale na lata Trochę smutno, że przyczyniłem się do zaśmiecenia planety, bo każdy z tych krótko używanych produktów trafi na wysypisko śmieci. Wolę zapłacić za coś porządnego i mieć na lata, niż kupić okazyjnie i wkrótce wyrzucić. Bernard Fruga
Category theory Nature and Category Theory "Computer scientists started using categories where the objects represent data types and the morphisms represent programs. They also started using ‘flow charts’ to describe programs. Abstractly, these are very much like Feynman diagrams!"
Wisdom Invention: Brainstorming "He still felt a strange obligation to be at his computer because that’s too often our the metal image of “working”."
Software Engineering Git: Revert to the last working state at any given point Have you already had this experience? Two years after graduation, I remember it all too well. The project is due tomorrow. It grew to an astounding amount of code. You're just about to fix a glitch that you noticed. In the course, you make
Software Engineering History of software Hollerith punch card design from 1928 was 80 columns wide. Sounds familiar?
Entrepreneurship A person is not a "resource" "I'm not a fan of dehumanizing staff and referring to them simply as 'resources'."
Nature 355/113 "The fraction 355/113 is incredibly close to pi, within a third of a millionth of the exact value."
Software Engineering In the cloud "Why do I need to SSH into a CI runner to debug some test failure that I can't repro locally?"
Software Engineering Testing: The functions you wish existed "Write your test code with the functions/methods/classes you wish existed, not the ones you've been given."