Software Engineering Single quotes or double quotes Do you ever wonder if you should use single quotes or double quotes for strings?
Linux Tmux - narzędzie na co dzień Zamknięcie konsoli w czasie wykonywania programu jest możliwe, wygodne, i bywa bardzo pomocne.
Nix Nix: What are the values on the left? Nix expressions can be evaluated and assigned to variables. What does this action mean in practice? Let's find out!
Software Engineering Terraform Associate Certification: Outline Elements of the Terraform Associate Certification.
TIL Terraform: Resolve "Error: Provider configuration not present" To destroy infrastructure in a declarative way, remove the resources from the configuration and make sure you don't also delete the provider block (or file).
Entrepreneurship Piotr Wajda: Interns need real tasks "Are you assigning a separate project for your intern? You’re doing it wrong!"
Entrepreneurship Piotr Wajda: A good manager will be thankful that you show your professionalism to a broader audience "You may consider being more visible in your organization. A good manager will be thankful that you show your professionalism to a broader audience. It gives him precious data to help you achieve your financial goals."
Teaching Programming Teaching programming: 1 - Motivation “In fact, I’ve done lots of things that haven’t been done before”, he said half-smiling.
Entrepreneurship Your organization should have a "NO man" "He was probably the most valuable member of the team because he was respected enough that his objections kept the project focused and on scope, and it was a 20% project for him."
Entrepreneurship "The more metrics you track, the less you know" "I look at revenue, when the line goes up I'm happy""
Wisdom Jordan Peterson: Truth, adventure, and learning how to negotiate on your own behalf "I decided a long time ago, partly from reading Solzhenitsyn, that I was going to try to be very careful with my words, and I was only going to say things that I thought about, that, to begin with, weren't lies."
Wisdom: Telling stories "Hey, if presentations had a *shape*, what would that shape be? And how did the greatest communicators use that shape, or *do* they use a shape?"
History: Soldiers photographing their own crimes "Tożsamość fotografa nie jest znana, ale prawdopodobnie był to niemiecki żołnierz, bowiem wielu z nich fotografowało okrucieństwa, w których brali udział."