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Wisdom One's worth "It becomes a cost/benefit analysis, and they – perhaps unwittingly – conclude, that the cost is too great."
History Wartość propagandy "Przez poruszenie opinii publicznej w USA, nawet w warunkach systemu rooseveltowskiego, można było utrudnić ogromnie układy teherańskie i jałtańskie."
Nature Taking risks "Financial risk taking is as much a biological activity, with as many medical consequences, as facing down a grizzly bear."
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Wisdom "Utrata kontroli nad własnym życiem to element procesu wzrastania" "Things you own end up owning you." (Fight Club)
Haskell Would Haskell be a good language for a blog? If Haskell is "clear" and "expressive", would it be a good choice for illustrating ideas in code?
Inwestowanie: IKE a IKZE "Między tymi rozwiązaniami są pewne różnice (dotyczące przede wszystkim kwestii opodatkowania), ale stanowią one dla siebie nawzajem idealne uzupełnienie i powinny być traktowane jako dobra komplementarne."
Investing: Onsemi stock + three tools MACD, stochastic oscillator, and moving average, on the example of Onsemi stock.
Your favourite problems "Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps."
Research Dissertation without distress Start with a problem you can relate to, then iterate to improve upon the status quo.